Note Title
This is the first note which I usually want to use bullet list in also like this.
- First item
- First item
- First item
- First item
Another Title
And some notes about where I am up to on this project. It would be good if this had a mark down cms. Maybe not that hard?
I Like that based on the note height the layout shuffles around so it's bit more random than just a straight up grid. I need to test
this by creating some really long text. So I gues I have to keep on writing. Actually another list would help with this.
- Milk
- Tea
- Biscuits
- Flour
- Eggs
- This
- isn't
- how
- I
- usually
- use
- stickies
- for
- shopping
- lists
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This starter gives you everything you need to start working on a new
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opinionated, try remixing